Boswell writes in his Life of Samuel Johnson, ch. 53 (1783):
He embraced me, and
gave me his blessing, as usual when I was leaving him for any length of time. I
walked from his door to-day, with a fearful apprehension of what might happen
before I returned.
My anxious
apprehensions at parting with him this year proved to be but too well founded; for
not long afterwards he had a dreadful stroke of the palsy, of which there are
very full and accurate accounts in letters written by himself to show with what
composure of mind, and resignation to the Divine Will, his steady piety enabled
him to behave.
“It has pleased God, this morning, to deprive me of the powers of
speech; and as I do not know but that it may be his farther good pleasure to
deprive me soon of my senses, I request you will, on the receipt of this note,
come to me, and act for me, as the exigencies of my case may require.
am, sincerely yours,
“June 17, 1783.”
“It has pleased God, by a paralytic stroke in the night, to deprive me
of speech.
“I am very desirous of Dr. Heberden’s assistance, as I think my case is
not past remedy. Let me see you as soon as it is possible. Bring Dr. Heberden
with you, if you can; but come yourself at all events. I am glad you are so
well, when I am so dreadfully attacked.
“I think that by a speedy application of stimulants much may be done. I
question if a vomit, vigorous and rough, would not rouse the organs of speech
to action. As it is too early to send, I will try to recollect what I can, that
can be suspected to have brought on this dreadful distress.
“I have been accustomed to bleed frequently for an asthmatic complaint;
but have forborne for some time by Dr. Pepys’s persuasion, who perceived my
legs beginning to swell. I sometimes alleviate a painful, or more properly an
oppressive constriction of my chest, by opiates; and have lately taken opium
frequently, but the last, or two last times, in smaller quantities. My largest
dose is three grains, and last night I took but two. You will suggest these
things (and they are all that I can call to mind) to Dr. Heberden.
am, etc.,
“June 17, 1783.”
Two days after
he wrote thus to Mrs. Thrale:
“On Monday, the 16th, I sat for my picture, and walked a
considerable way with little inconvenience. In the afternoon and evening I felt
myself light and easy, and began to plan schemes of life. Thus I went to bed,
and in a short time waked and sat up, as has been long my custom, when I felt a
confusion and indistinctness in my head, which lasted, I suppose, about half a
minute. I was alarmed, and prayed God that however he might afflict my body, he
would spare my understanding. This prayer, that I might try the integrity of my
faculties, I made in Latin verse. The lines were not very good, but I knew them
not to be very good: I made them easily, and concluded myself to be unimpaired
in my faculties.
“Soon after I perceived that I had suffered a paralytic stroke, and that
my speech was taken from me. I had no pain, and so little dejection in this
dreadful state, that I wondered at my own apathy, and considered that perhaps
death itself, when it should come, would excite less horror than seems now to
attend it.
“In order to rouse the vocal organs, I took two drams. Wine has been
celebrated for the production of eloquence. I put myself into violent motion,
and I think repeated it; but all was vain. I then went to bed, and strange as
it may seem, I think slept. When I saw light, it was time to contrive what I
should do. Though God stopped my speech, He left me my hand... My first note
was necessarily to my servant, who came in talking, and could not immediately
comprehend why he should read what I put into his hands.
“I then wrote a card to Mr. Allen, that I might have a discreet friend
at hand, to act as occasion should require. In penning this note, I had some
difficulty; my hand, I knew not how or why, made wrong letters. I then wrote to
Dr. Taylor to come to me, and bring Dr. Heberden: and I sent to Dr. Brocklesby,
who is my neighbour. My physicians are very friendly, and give me great hopes;
but you may imagine my situation. I have so far recovered my vocal powers, as
to repeat the Lord’s Prayer with no very imperfect articulation. My memory, I
hope, yet remains as it was; but such an attack produces solicitude for the
safety of every faculty.”
“Your anxiety about my health is very friendly, and very agreeable with
your general kindness. I have, indeed, had a frightful blow. On the 17th
of last month, about three in the morning, as near as I can guess, I perceived
myself almost totally deprived of speech. I had no pain. My organs were so
obstructed that I could say no, but
could scarcely say yes. I wrote the
necessary directions, for it pleased God to spare my head, and sent for Dr.
Heberden and Dr. Brocklesby... They came and gave the directions which the
disease required, and from that time I have been continually improving in
articulation. I can now speak, but the nerves are weak, and I cannot continue
discourse long; but strength, I hope, will return. The physicians consider me
as cured. I was last Sunday at church...
“London, July 3, 1783.”
Such was the general vigour of his constitution, that he recovered from
this alarming and severe attack with wonderful quickness.
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