Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Les hommes violents: pouvons-nous les abolir?

Il est bien connu que les hommes, c’est à dire les êtres humains du sexe masculin, font la plupart des crimes violents: le viol, l’incendie, le cambriolage, etc.

Mais il est peut-être moins connu, au moins peu reconnu, que les hommes ont fait la plupart des lois qui interdisent les crimes violents, et ils ont infligé les punitions aux criminels.

C’est impossible d’abolir l’un sans d’abolir l’autre au même temps. Et s’efforcer d’abolir ‘la violence’ du sexe masculin, ce n’est que l’abolir des hommes qui s’intéressent aux bonnes mœurs. Mais c’était ces hommes-là qui faisaient les lois et qui pendaient les criminels. Et bien alors, abolir la violence masculine: c’est se donner aux mains des violents.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Christ loves the French

The France of yesteryear, the France who prayed, the France who sustained the Church, the France who wrote fewer books, but better, the France who bore more children, for God, for the Church, and for the homeland — it is that France who gave us birth in the love of Christ, the Church, and the Pope.  What is left of that France has just saved all of France from assassination.  Will it save her from suicide?  Let us hope for it, let us wish it, let us ask it every day from Christ, who loves the French.  It is what we can best do for the French nation.

–Henri Bourassa, 1918

La France d’autrefois, la France qui priait, la France qui soutenait l’Église, la France qui faisait moins de livres, mais de meilleurs, la France qui faisait plus d’enfants, pour Dieu, pour l’Église et pour la patrie.  C’est cette France là qui nous a enfantés dans l’amour du Christ, de l’Église et du Pape.  C’est ce qui reste de cette France-là qui vient de sauver la France tout entière de l’assassinat.  La souvera-t-elle du suicide?  Espérons-le, souhaitons-le, demandons-le chaque jour au Christ qui aime les Francs.  C’est ce que nous pouvons faire de mieux pour la nation française.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Bourassa — La Langue II. The Miracle of Pentecost

Henri Bourassa, La Langue, gardienne de la Foi (1918).

The Miracle of Pentecost

This constant practice, this inviolable respect for the natural right of peoples, goes back even to the birth of the Church. When the divine Redeemer, after having satisfied the justice of his Father, had reopened to men the gates of our final homeland where the unique people of the Election will speak the unique tongue of Love without end, he sent the Consoler, the Paraclete, the Spirit of light and of truth, to “teach you all things.” The Spirit did not speak “of himself.” As if to raise up more the lowly of men, fallen but already redeemed by the blood of Christ and “reestablished in his original dignity,” He descended into the spirit of twelve ignorant men, he set their hearts on fire, lit up their intelligence, fortified their will. Their chief, the very one who had disowned their master before the hearth of a guardroom for fear of the mockeries of a servant, Simon the fisherman, now become Peter and the indisputable foundation of the Church of God, boldly speaks before a crowd still full of the fury, the fear, the contradictory passions which had marked the ignominious death of the Saviour. And the first pope and the first bishops worked the first miracle of the Spirit of God through his Catholic and Apostolic Church. Listen to the sacred text:

1. And when the days of the Pentecost were accomplished, they were all together in one place:
2. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
3. And there appeared to them parted tongues as it were of fire, and it sat upon every one of them:
4. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to speak with divers tongues, according as the Holy Ghost gave them to speak.
5. Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem, Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.
6. And when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded in mind, because that every man heard them speak in his own tongue.
7. And they were all amazed, and wondered, saying: Behold, are not all these, that speak, Galileans?
8. And how have we heard, every man our own tongue wherein we were born?
9. Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and inhabitants of Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
10. Phrygia, and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and strangers of Rome,
11. Jews also, and proselytes, Cretes, and Arabians: we have heard them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.[1]

Let us stop for a moment to study this first intervention of the Holy Spirit in the Church of Jesus Christ. In actual fact, it is double. Its first effect, is to instantaneously give to the Apostles the knowledge and the use of “diverse tongues.” This is strictly speaking the gift of tongues, which shall come again, in the course of time, on the lips of many missionaries of the Gospel. The second effect takes place in the hearing of the listeners. These men of all nations who hear for the first time the Good News, understand it each in his mother tongue, in the tongue of the country “where he was born,” whatever be the idiom used by the Apostles. This phenomenon will repeat itself equally in the life of great converters of peoples, like Saint Vincent Ferrier and Saint Francis Xavier. In neither the one nor the other of these events did the Spirit of light and truth judge it opportune to do what certain assimilators shall attempt later on: to impose on people the knowledge of the tongue of the preachers, on minorities the idiom of the majority. And yet this miracle would not have been more difficult than the other two for the omnipotence of God. If He did not do it, it is then that He judged that in this, as in all things, the Apostles of Christ ought to to make themselves “all things to all men”; that the spreading of the Gospel, likewise its moral code, likewise its dogma, does not abrogate the natural right of humanity but affirms it and uses it in the service of truth.
On this day, the method of evangelical preaching was established. Faithful to the example laid out by God himself, the Apostles and their successors extend the kingdom of Jesus Christ, announce everywhere the good news, open the eyes of the blind, make the deaf hear, speaking to “each in the tongue wherein he was born.” Such is the task of the Church, of her pastors, of her missionaries, of her preachers, of her catechists, and not to make themselves agents of the assimilation of one race or another, the unifyers of one empire, the propagandists of one particular or universal democracy, the servants of despotic kings or the flatterers or tyrannical mobs.[2]

[1] Acts of the Apostles, ch. II, translation by Father Glaire (1880) [English: Douay-Rheims 1899].
[2] Permit me to support this reflection and many of those that follow, with the authority of the eminent author of The Public Law of the Church, Msgr L.-A. Paquet:
“Catholicism is universal.
“It is not its mission to apply a ‘triage’ of languages nor a selection of peoples, but to use all languages and to evanglise all peoples.
“Its ministers, by their very nature, are neither constructors of empires nor champions of republics, but sanctifiers and apostles.
“Christ, their model, did not stretch out his bloody hands on the cross in order to distribute sceptres and crowns to his favourite races; but to enfold all men in a single embrace and to pour out to all races the bounties of his redemptive work.
“It is this higher law, in all epochs, that has inspired all enlightened spirits and all men of God; and it is this master idea, inscribed for the splendour of believing humanity, which stamps the religious political order with its true character everywhere.
“Now, to accomplish the work of redeeming mankind, two instruments among many others, are not only useful, but as it were necessary: liturgical language, and national idiom.
“By the beautiful Latin language, whose precise forms, like keys burnished all from old medallions, establish and preserve her dogmatic thought, the Church conserves intact, in the spheres of science, doctrine, and rites, her unchanging creed.
“By the mother tongue, she lovingly descends from these heights, and she enteres into relationship and into cnoversation with the masses. There is the secret of her prestige, of her influence, and of her success.”
(Discourse given at the Congress of the French Language in 1912, and reproduced in Discourses and Allocutions by Msgr L.-A. Paquet, Quebec, Imprimerie Franciscaine, 1915).

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Bourassa – La Langue. Table of Contents

Table of Contents
III. The Gospel preached in every language
Saint Francis Xavier, model of missionaries
Saint Francis Xavier and the idioms of Asia
The Canadian missionaries and the aboriginal languages
IV. Catholicism and the national languages in America
Msgr Langevin and the Ukrainians
V. Protestant languages, Catholic languages
The example of the Irish
VI. The French language, vehicle of Catholicism
“Canadian French” and “Parisian French”
VII. French Canadians, their civilising task
Let us speak and live our faith

Bourassa — La langue II

Henri Bourassa, La Langue, gardienne de la Foi (1918).


The Church, protector of national tongues

The right to one’s mother tongue, to one’s national tongue, is one of the best established of natural rights, one of fundamental bases of the essential human societies: family, tribe, race, nation. The first and the most constant preoccupation of the worst violators of the natural right of peoples — conquerors, dominators, brutal majorities — who want to enslave a vanquished nation or a minority, and to wipe them out as a social group, is to tear their national tongue from them. The ultimate and supreme resistance of races who choose not to die, is the fight for the preservation of their ancestral idiom. Victors and vanquished, killers and victims, both understand that he who guards his language holds the key which looses him from his chains.[1]
This natural right — no authority has better understood its force, none has respected its free and legitimate exercise more than our holy and tender mother, the Church Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman. No power has so constantly confirmed the right of peoples to their national language in education, management, and government, as the Papacy — from Saint Peter to Benedict XV.[2] We can say more: the Church has always seen the conservation of the use of national tongues as the most precious human element of her apostolate, and she has drawn her inspiration from this thought every time she has been called upon to make a judgement, from the point of view of the faith and of natural law, on the conflicts bred in the Church by the rivalries of races or peoples. The decisions or contrary acts of this or that man of the Church, priest, bishop, or pope — if such should ever happen — ought to be examined in light of the particular circumstances of time or place. An attentive and impartial study demonstrates that none of these decisions, none of these acts, undermines in any way the doctrine and general practice of the Church, always in agreement with the natural law.
It is in the annals of false Churches — heretical or schismatic, in thrall to the secular power — that one must recount the history of systematic oppression by means of language. When, unfortunately, this violation of natural rights is carried out in certain particular Churches which remain in communion with Rome, it is always following purely human politics, under the direction of prelates more worried about pleasing Caesar-the-King or Caesar-the-People than about building the Kingdom of God; and this complacency (happily rare and passing) of some men of the Church towards the caprice of despots or the passions of brutal majorities, has always accompanied a dissident or hostile tendency towards the Holy See, that is to say an inclination towards schism or heresy: Gallicanism, Josephinism, Polonism, Americanism, Anglo-Saxonism.[3] In other words, particular Churches, members of the universal Church, have violated or misjudged the right of minorities to their mother tongue, and did the work of national assimilation and religious perversion; in that measure they have separated themselves from the catholic spirit and tradition to incline towards becoming national — as if the Church of God, one and indivisible, could ever become, even partially, one nation’s thing! — that is to say, schismatic. Those, on the other hand, and by far the most numerous, which have respected the right of the conquered, of minorities, are the Churches whose angels — to use the language of the Apocalypse — have not ceased to obey God rather than men, and to practise towards all the faithful the charity of the great apostle of all nations, who did not see Jews nor Gentiles in the Church anymore, but only children of Christ.

[1] Words of Mistral, the most illustrious félibre of Provence, ardent defender of regional dialects.
[2] One shall read with advantage, on this particular point, the learned study of R. P. Leduc, dominican, reproduced following the conference.
[3] Let this not be confounded with its ancestor, Anglicanism: the one has crossed over the straits of schism to plunge into full heresy and end in the abyss of agnosticism; the other stands on the good side of the water, but so near the bank that it throws in many souls through mixed marriages, neutral or protestant schools, and drinking from the most anti-Christian literature that exists on earth. As for Americanism, we know towards what misadventures it is heading, when the vigilant authority of the Holy See has just upbraided it.